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Abbeville is a member of the 1st district of the Somme.

Door of the Somme Bay (one of the most beautiful bays of the World and the Big site of France), she is a member of the Association of local authorities of Abbevillois since 1994.

Geographical situation: at 1:30 am of Paris, 2 am London time, 1:30 am of Belgium. Abbeville is also in 30 minutes of the beach(range) and in 20 minutes of the forest of Crécy, site of one of the battles of the Hundred Years' War.

Crossed by the river the Somme, the city counts at present 25 439 inhabitants.

Prize-winner of the competition of cities and villages decorated with flowers in her category (cities from 5000 to 29 999 inhabitants), she obtained her 3rd flower in 2006. Abbeville possesses within it the gardens of Émonville (certified Remarkable Garden) and of the Carmel which form a set of approximately three hectares of English-Chinese and French-style gardens, as well as about fifty hectares of wilder zones of wet zones establishing the park of Bouvaque just a step from the city center.

It is thus in the heart of a flowery city that raise themselves(draw up themselves) the church of the Holy Sepulchre, among which some three hundred square meters of stained-glass window are Alfred Manessier's work (on 1911 - 1993), one of the jewels of the city classified as "Historic Monument"; the Saint-Vulfran collegiate church, one of the most remarkable monuments of style "Gothic Flamboyant, classified as Historic Monument" since 1840, or still the Belfry registers on the UNESCO world heritage in 2005 with fifty five others of his(her) counterparts being situated in a zone going from Picardy to Belgium.

Since 1993, Abbeville is coupled with Argos in Greece and, since 1994, with Burgess Hill in England.

With his 74 clubs, Abbeville is one of the most sports cities of France in its category. It is also the head office of Emulation of Abbeville, learned society, who was created at the end of the XVIIIth century and who did not stop working since.

Abbeville does not miss dynamism with businesses numerous and varied in his center, the market of full wind, the covered Les Halles and shopping districts in periphery.


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