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What fascination that this leading figure in the history of France, Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans, the shepherdess of Domremy waged a war to liberate his country from English invaders in the fifteenth century. In response to a divine call, she helped Charles VII to become King of France. She paid a high price for his convictions since it was condemned and burned at Rouen in 1431.
Abbevillois friends, you know on our street Joan of Arc and her statuette that adorns the angle is not it ???
But Joan of Arc is it has passed Abbeville? Y Has it lived?

Apparently not ...
Our good Joan of Arc was taken prisoner in Compiegne after passing through Chinon, Orleans, Patay, Reims and Paris by an archer of the bastard wandomme, vassal of the duke of Burgundy .... Growlers was taken to the camp to marigny then to Castle Baulieu, one of Beaurevoir are passed through Arras before reaching Drugy, near Saint Riquier at the castle. She was taken from the crotoy or she stayed a moment before going on via Rouen St Valéry
The maid would be just passed Abbeville Drugy leaving to join Crotoy ...
Most historians who have studied the life of Joan of Arc, however, told a touching episode: the prisoner had received compassionate visits women of Abbeville and she would have had the help of religion in the Chapel of the castle by the Chancellor the Amiens Cathedral church who was detained as she the great English citadel of the mouth of the sum
All also reported the circumstances of arrival in Arras crotoy by the village Drugy and departure by boat across the Bay of money, the route to Rouen by St Valery and had ...
The first fact to relate these is the father of Jesus Ignatius Maria alias Jacques Samson and Jean de La Chapelle, author of "abridged chronicle of the abbey of Saint Riquier" reports that the prisoner bed and slept the Drugy castle near Abbeville or she saw several religious. It also recounts the visit of women of Abbeville came by boat to Crotoy, the sum and the words that the maid would open to visitors ....

Obviously, these facts are based on no known basis since has not regained until the missing documents has Quicherat presumed existence, on which Father Ignatius was able to build

Creation date : 10/08/2016 00:33
Category : History - Events
Page read 8924 times

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