Personalities inhabitant of Abbeville
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Albert Laurent was born in La Bassée on September 17, 1885 to a father, Camille, already a composer, organist and music teacher who introduced him to this art. It is the symphony of César Franck of 1888 that will arouse in him the desire to continue in the field of music. He entered the Lille Conservatory and then first prize for piano, he then began to cello.
Then composed ... Composed many: piano sonatas, chamber music, cello and piano sonatas, trio for violin cello and piano, lyric tales, works for a capella choir, and for chorus and orchestra etc.
He plays a lot in Armentières, in the Vosges where his father is from, but also in Paris (Salle Pleyel among others) around 1910 where he begins to be known.
1914, the First World War broke out, the population of Armentières was evacuated and his family had to leave, driven out by the Germans and ended up on Abbeville, temporarily first. The abbevillois archives have a certificate attesting to Albert Laurent's willingness to volunteer.
After the war, the family decided to settle there permanently by acquiring their home rue Pasteur(n° 33), house in which he will live the rest of his life. Camille becomes the organist of the churches of Saint Sepulcher and Saint James. Later, Albert will take over and become the organist of Saint Jacques.
In 1921, in the company of Paul de Wailly, he founded "the Society of Friends of Music" with which he composes enormously, gives lectures and organizes many concerts.
On July 23, 1923, Albert first married Yvonne Graire at the Saint-Gilles church. The girl is a cellist, a student of the music school. Sick, she died at Berck in 1935.
In October 1935, he took over the management of the Abbeville School of Music at the request of Mayor Paul Delique, and also taught music and piano lessons and harmony classes.
In January 1936, he received the academic awards for his dedication and merits.
On April 29, 1936, he married Yvonne Mercier, one of his students, in second marriage.
Shortly after, on May 11, his father Camille dies.
World War II breaks out, Albert goes regularly in the Vosges, composes tirelessly and publishes "Music and Western thought" in 3 volumes devoted to the history of music.
In October 1966, at the age of 81, he resigned from the direction of the school of music, but continued his piano lessons.
In the 1970s, at the initiative of Anne-Marie Dupont who became the first chef, the choir Albert Laurent was created. He becomes the president.
On the weekend of November 15th and 16th, 1975, on the occasion of his 90th birthday, a great tribute is paid to him by his artist friends and his former students: an evening "Music and Poetry". A mass is given to him on Sunday in the company of the harmony and the Chante-Joie choir for which he also ensures the direction.
On the same day of December 16, 1975, Albert Laurent was elevated to the rank of Officer of the National Order of Merit whose medal was given to him by his friend Maurice Huré in the salons of honor of the Hôtel de Ville.
On December 19, 1975, three days after this homage, he married Marie-Brigitte Roger, a musician, in a third marriage. The religious ceremony takes place a few days later, January 2, 1976 in the abbey of Saint-Riquier.
He died in Abbeville on January 4, 1978.
In tribute posthumously, the municipality of Abbeville grateful affixes a plaque to the Conservatory and the room where he used to teach the piano is now called "Salle Albert Laurent"
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Ancien élève de l'Ecole de Musique dans les années 50 et début des années 60, du temps où Albert LAURENT était directeur, cela m'a fait plaisir de découvrir cet article.
Albert LAURENT ayant par ailleurs composé de nombreuses oeuvres, j'aimerais savoir où l'on peut éventuellement trouver les enregistrements correspondants (si toutefois il en existe!).
Abbeville étant la ville de plusieurs grands musiciens, auriez vous l'intention de faire un article sur Jean François LESUEUR, grand compositeur de la fin du 18e-début du 19e siècle ? Les Oratorios du couronnement de Charles X ont fait l'objet d'un CD édité en 1993.
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