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From Patricia Carville, club cartophile of Abbeville. Presented at the general meeting of 12 March 2017.

1) La Poste-aux-chevaux

According to the historian Prarond, the Post-horses was in 1638 at No. 76 of the Chaussée du Bois until about 1747. It then settled road of Paris in the former convent of the Ladies of 'Epagne, also called' Le Paraclet '. In 1754, a small seminary takes place in these buildings but the property is far too large for this new use. Louis-Francois de la Motte, bishop of Amiens and owner of the Paraclete, by deed of May 10, 1645, resold part of it called "the apartment of the abesse" in 1755, to Louis the Younger then master of the Post- To the horses of Abbeville.
This relay of the Post-horses knew several Masters of Posts until its in 1887.


2) The letter-post in the 19th and early 20th centuries

For a long time, it was made up of a single box, which was located at the director's home, at 24 rue Saint-Gilles until 1841.
This mailbox was not unanimous, according to the Abbevillois article of 24-03-1910 in which it can be seen that a complaint of the Judges consuls of the city had been filed with the members of the Tribunal To be moved to another location. The reasons were as follows: the street was not very commercial because it was inhabited by the nobility, unsafe at night and possessing only one lantern it became the refuge of the libertines.
Two other mailboxes are installed (one towards the church of the Faubourg de Rouvroy, one between the Ledien street and the Marcadé causeway) as soon as it moved to the Rue de Locques (rue de Locques, now Rue Jeanne d'Arc, is between The rue des Lingers and the Rue des Minimes behind the Courrier Picard on the Place Max Lejeune) in 1842. Another one is requested near the bridge of Talence in 1844.
La Poste-à-lettres then moved to 15 rue de l 'Hotel Dieu, where its office was open seven days a week, from 7 am to 8 am, depending on the season, at 9 pm.
Nine levies are spread between 6.30am and 11.30pm in the evening. There are then three deliveries of couriers in the city. The letters taken at the end of 10 am are distributed the same day in the neighboring localities. It is easier for us to understand why, on some postcards, people talk about their mail received the day before. In 1894, this post office has nearly 30 employees.
The telephone is installed in Abbeville that same year but seen are cost it is a revolution reserved for a certain public and seven individuals subscribe to it (the director of Abbevillois, bankers and traders). Each Abbevillois nevertheless has the possibility to go to the postal office for his telephone calls via "ladies of the telephone". It is necessary, until about 1970, to go through a standard to be put in telephone correspondence with another subscriber but for this it was necessary at the beginning to arm itself of patient.
The telegraph office is open to the public on April 10, 1854, rue Boucher-de-Perthes.
The Post and Telegraphs settled from 1879 to 1888 at the Hotel Bail, Place du Marché aux Herbes, from where one receives or sends daily, in 1894, up to a thousand telegrams to the office of Abbeville. As the premises became too small, this office was transferred to No. 19 of Notre Dame Street (known today as rue Lesueur) until the next building was built, the first of which was given on May 11 1908, at n ° 15 and 17 of this same street, thus allowing the transformation and the enlargement of the offices.
This new post office hotel has a facade of 17 meters in length, on which are placed on the left the mailboxes. Passing through the right-hand door, the audience enters a "drum" to avoid drafts and, after climbing three steps on the left, finds itself in a spacious room of 13 meters by 5 lit by two wide Bays where the telephone box is on the right. The employees are behind counter counters and no longer behind the old barrier fence.
On the first floor there are telegraphists and telephone operators.
In turn, it became too small and no longer corresponded to the needs and importance of postal traffic and remained in service until 1938.
Not far away, in 1916, the Halle aux-Toiles served as a post office for the British army.


3) The Hôtel de Selincourt

In 1933, the postal administration acquired a classical residence dating from the 18th century, known as the Hotel de Selincourt, Place Clemenceau, to make it the new post office, which was inaugurated on Sunday, June 26, 1938. Its main entrance, Surmounted by a classical lintel, is framed by Doric columns. Its first level is highlighted by high windows. Those of the fore-body are surmounted by a triangular pediment which is found on either side of the fore-part on the central Windows.

On the second floor a series of windows with wooden shutters animates the top of the building. The roof is pierced by four small dormers directed towards the sky, adorned with small tiles and surmounted each of bulbs. The hotel of Selincourt was built in 1785 for Viscount Jean-Baptiste de Selincourt. He succeeded a first hotel Manessier which had been acquired at the first Van Robais and had been destroyed by a fire. Hotel de Selincourt was later called Hotel de Buigny, after its last owners. This hotel, whose exterior has undergone only a few changes to affix the inscription "Poste Telegraphe Téléphone", houses a very long time On the ground floor 4 telephone booths, 6 wickets where each one has its own function, a room where the mail sorters sort, two offices for the inspectors and one for the accounting. In the large room on the first floor Finds the service of the telephone exchange where are used up to more than 100 people. This service, transferred in July 1970 behind the post office building in the rue des Capucins, freed the hall, which then became the new premises of the mail center. To reduce the traffic of the postal office, three annexes opened in Abbeville. One in the shopping center of the ZAC inaugurated on October 24, 1981, another one in the former premises of the Rouvroy school in the spring of 1995, which will remain about 3 years in service and the third street Saint-Vulfran in October 1998. A telephone booth Was installed outside Place Clemenceau in the 1990s. In 1997 there were 300,000 payphones (official name). In 2014, there are still 75,000 of them, of which 25,000 are expected to disappear by 2016. Interior renovation work is undertaken after 2009 to rearrange the offices in "Espace Service Clients" in order to favor a personalized welcome and reduce the wait but each one Of us can also use the automatons, available, to weigh a mail, stamp, withdraw money or other. As of March 11, 2017, the Post sells the two floors of this building, unoccupied since The departure of the mail business. With all this competition that is the Internet, it is obliged to separate the professions that compose it. As a result, the mail center moves to the rue des Sarcelles in early 1998, where nearly 60 people are employed, including 51 factors. In 2016 all these factors are equipped with a smartphone that allows the signing of registered mail, Bars "called" Facteo ". The sorting center also houses a room where three agents are authorized to pass the examination of the highway code since November 2016.

Creation date : 19/03/2017 23:43
Category : History - Other
Page read 9831 times

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