Personalities inhabitant of Abbeville
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Abbé Carpentier (Place): Abbé Pierre Carpentier was a vicar of the parish holy Gilles in 1938. Patriot, he does not accept the German occupation and enlists in the resistance to supply to the allies of the information on the German positions and help the English parachutists cross the zones of demarcation between restricted zones and occupied zones. Unfortunately, he is denounced by an agent English and stopped on December 8th, 1941 in his place of residence of 13 place holy Gilles. Deported to the camp of Bochum, he is sentenced to death April 16th, 1943, and beheaded in the ax on June 30th in Dortmund. His ashes are returned in France to Gavrelle between Arras and Douai. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by decree of March 20th, 1947.
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