Personalities inhabitant of Abbeville
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Family Van Robais created in 1665 the Manufacture Royale des Rames will count 2,500 employees at its peak. This came to Abbeville with fifty Dutch workers at the request of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, minister of Louis XIV.
After the Edict of Nantes in 1685, it was abandoned and rebuilt between 1709 and 1713 under the leadership of the elder Van Robais: Isaac. It was during this period that the factory will employ 2,500 people and reaches its full swing.
The fortunes of Van Robais is considerable. Abraham Van Robais, grand-son of Josse, built 1752-1754 Madness Bagatelle, his country house, whose wealth testifies to their fortune, as well as new home or house Van Robais, great Notre Dame, mansion the family that also serve to accommodate entrepreneurs and their families, the factory became too cramped.
At the decline of manufacturing, this great mansion of brick and stone was sold to Theophilus Van Robais, one of Abraham's nephew in 1766. The judge dies last March 8, 1771. His son inherits and lives there with his wife Marie of Tillette Applaincourt until 1782.
The hotel is then sold to Felix Cordier, then Edward Morgan, French politician born in 1803 in Amiens and member of the Somme from 1857 to 1867, which acquires and sell it to his stepfather, Legrand Gomiecourt which was originally unfortunate transformations of the facade which cut the main building of its wings. The balustrade terrace, on the left wing was also détruite.d'Abraham, and Duval Soicourt, the judge who sentenced the knight La Barre.
This building was renovated to house the Bank of France.
Indeed, the Bank of France was first installed at the Bail hotel, majestic and charming mansion deep in the Marché aux herbes. Built in 1653 by Antoine Bail, the building housed the Post and Telegraph until 1888, and the Bank of France settled down ...... Until the fateful date of 20 May 1940, where he was also destroyed by bombing.
After its destruction, the Bank is thus moved to the Van Robais until 2005, closing doors leaving exposed the facade of this magnificent mansion.
Reaction #2
cet hotel particulier mérite de revivre en 2020 ; au lieu de le laisser se dégrader de jour en jour
ce patrimoine Abbevillois doit être resté classé dans l architecture.
est ce qu un habitant particulier a le droit de le racheter pour le valoriser au Public Abbevillois et autres ?
J aime ma ville et je suis triste de voir ce patrimoine abandonné de ses habitants .
Cordialement d une Abbevilloise
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