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The Somme, for its name, was sculpted in 1948, in the guise of a naked young woman with quiet looks. It is a work of René Letourneur (1898-1990)

René Letourneur.jpg

First ordered by the city of Châtillon sur Seine (21-Côte d'Or), which then donated it to the city of Abbeville, then a disaster-stricken city in its post-war reconstruction as a comfort.

The statue is made of stone of Vaurion, with a length of 3.4 m and an estimated weight of 17 tons was deposited in 1957 on its current site in the commune of Abbeville to the bridge called "naked woman ". His arrival gave rise to a lot of comments among the Abbeville population, shocked at his nudity.

It is the first of three works. The other two "naked women", sculpted in 1964 and 1967 symbolize the Seine and the Oise and are located at the Georges Pompidou bridge in Le Pecq.

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The town of Le Pecq is located in the Yvelines (78), the Georges Pompidou bridge is decorated on both sides of these two gigantic statues called "the Seine" and "Oise". Why would these two rivers tell you? And quite simply because the department of Yvelines was first called "Seine and Oise" hence its department number 78 between Seine and Marne (77) and Deux Sevres (79).

They bear the face of Louise de Vilmorin, a great writer and friend of André Malraux.
Not only do these women symbolically represent three rivers, but they can also represent freedom in the face of the oppressor.


Creation date : 02/07/2017 23:33
Category : Heritage - Monuments
Page read 218 times

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by Leleu_Jerry_ 26/02/2019 12:05

Il est temps que la mairie prenne en charge l'entretien de la statue de la femme nue.

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