
The Streets

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     At this particular place where six mills succeeded one another, the Somme was called the Talance, and were evidently situated in the Rue de Talance, also called the impasse des six moulins. The impasse of the six mills ends in the Somme. On the other side, if one examines the inflection of the street at its exit on the Rue de l'Isle, one sees that it seems to be heading towards the Rue l'Abbesse, which would have been its prolongation before.
These mills in the middle ages barred the river, leaving only a passage probably for the boats.
→ One of these mills belonged to the Cordeliers
Another, the third towards the Rue de l'Isle, was to have eight bushels of corn each Tuesday at the Abbey of Epagne. It was a donation of William Talvas, Earl of Ponthieu in the XIIth century.
→ Another, the Brassiers mill was given in 1138 to the canons of Saint Vulfran.
→ For one of these mills and on the same date, the nuns of Epagne were to pay a fee. This one was called the mill Le Ver (Thomas Le Ver was the owner), it was held to the king by the county of Ponthieu.
→ A mill belonging to Marguerite Darras widow of Louis Loeuillart master carpenter and notable abbevillois.
→ A mill belonging to Philippe Gatte, the last, burned in 1666.
In 1539, the merchants had obtained from the king that these six mills were cut down to facilitate navigation. In the city in great excitement, the aldermen, the monks of Saint Peter, the canons of Saint Vulfran, the maids, gathered at the Echevinage on 5 October and decided to conserve these mills recognized as public utility.
On May 8, 1666, an immense fire ravaged the two last mills, that of Marguerite Darras and Philippe Gatte. This fire is criminal, lit by a soldier of the Crussol regiment.
In garrison at Abbeville. This soldier, lodged in one of the two mills, thus avenged himself of the miller Anne Dubois, widow. What is the motive? Jealousy? The beautiful miller refused her advances? We do not really know, however, that this soldier was hanged on May 21 and his body was thrown to the street.
These six mills were finally abolished in 1829 to be replaced by a needle barrier in 1862.,

six moulins.JPG

Creation date : 20/02/2017 00:10
Category : Heritage - Monuments
Page read 11134 times

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Reaction #1 

by froidure 20/12/2019 17:18

Je possède une huile sur toile représentant un moulin à vent avec une inscription " le moulin des terrieres (?) route de Lance ( sic Talence?) à Mautort les Abbeville sommemerin." Cette toile est fin XIXe début XXe

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