The explanation of the origins of Notre-Dame of the Chapel cannot be made without the help of this plan engraved in 1653 by R. Ropemaker. We distinguish in the foreground, Notre-Dame of the Chapel seeming to dominate the city and built outside.
Quite originally, in the XIIIth century probably, it is only a chapel in which we exposed for a long time a religious icon of Notre-Dame what was worth to him(her) his(her) name of Notre-Dame of the Chapel. Then she is enlarged to look like a real small church at the end of the XIVth century and the increasing number of believers coming to pray made of her a real parish there testifying of the extension of the city in the North so kissing the suburb of Menchecourt and a part of the road Marcadé. This church possessed then 3 naves and 7 altars.
This church survived has many setbacks, exposed to the wind and in the bad weather down from the North of the city, reached several times by the lightning. In 1619, the high bell tower did not survive a violent thunderstorm. He(it) was reconstructed in 1620 as before.
But all this is nothing in front of danger which almost cost to him(her) his(her) existence in 1637. Indeed, at that time, Spain and France are in full war. The Cardinal of Brogue shoe and Louis XIII come on Abbeville, strategic city and realize that the chapel could serve as fortress in case of siege. Becoming aware of the danger, the Cardinal of Brogue shoe gives the order to demolish it. The maïeur at that time, Guillaume Sanson and his aldermen manages with great difficulty to dissuade him from it.
The church is saved. But how long?
On 1789, it is the Revolution.
The church will not resist, it is destroyed in 1794.
In 1804, another big chapel is built as a replacement keeping the bell tower of 1620, the door in diagonal rib side presbytery and the pulpit of the XVth century
The cemetery which surrounded formerly the church is kept, is considerably enlarges and became the cemetery of the city since the abolition of the located cemetery Ducrocq carry "porte Du Bois" in 1844.
Following the cemetery of the Chapel, a path leads up to the main entrance. This path connected three possessions of the Knight Templars: the Chartreuse of Thuyson, the house justified and occupied by the Knight Templars and acquired by the Chartreux, Commanderie de Beauvoir and Forest L' Abbaye. This path was then called the path of the Knight Templars.